Tuesday, November 10, 2015

☕Tuesday Tech Tips--Tiny Scanner and Keyboard Shortcuts!

Consumer Tip:
I recently found myself in a situation where I needed to print, sign, and scan back a document to someone. I wasn't at home or in my office at the time, and needed to get it done ASAP! I also didn't want to swipe my debit card to use a public scanner in a hotel lobby. So what did I use instead? I used an app called Tiny Scanner (lite....because I'm cheap). Tiny Scanner (and other scanner apps) use your smartphone's camera to take a picture of the document and then convert it into a scanned PDF (just like a scanner does). You then have the ability to share the scanned documents via email. It saved me money, time, AND energy!

School Tip:
This week's school tip is about keyboard shortcuts. If you aren't using these you may want to reconsider, because they can save you clicks and time. Below is a list of keyboard shortcuts and websites to help you explore deeper if you would like. If you are new to shortcuts, start with just the basics and add from there as you feel comfortable! Happy shortcutting!

The Basics:
Ctrl + C - Copy
Ctrl + V - Paste
Ctrl + X - Delete selected text

Google Chrome Shortcuts:
Ctrl + N - Opens a new window
Ctrl + T - Opens a new tab
Press Ctrl then click a link - Opens a link in a window in the background.
Click a tab and drag it (anywhere) - tears the tab away fro the window and makes it it's own window
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl + 8 - Selects the tab in the specified number position on the tab bar (ie: Ctrl +1 selects the first open tab)
Double-click the blank area on the tab strip - Maximizes or minimizes the window

Windows Shortcuts (that will work in most browsers also):
Ctrl + A - Select all text in a window or defined area
Ctrl + Z - this will undo your last step
Ctrl + Y - will redo anything that was just undone ; )
Ctrl + Backspace - backspace entire words at a time instead of letter by letter
Ctrl + S - Save
Ctrl + O - open a file
Ctrl + P - print
Ctrl + F - find any word on a page, file, document, etc.....Looking for something very specific in a 60 page manual? Press Ctrl + F, then type the keyword you are searching in the text box that pops up!

I gleaned my information from my own experience as well as these awesome articles:
Google - https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/157179?hl=en

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