Tuesday, November 13, 2018

🙏Tuesday Tech Tip - My Personal Tech Life Hacks with a School Tip

I have established in previous tips that Stuart Thomas hates things that fall under the umbrella of “damaging to his soul”. Apparently hanging pictures does this because it puts holes in the walls and “do you even understand what that means?” he says to me. He actually says that to me about a LOT of things. Well, packing our entire personal portfolio of physical personal objects into a POD to store while we build a home damages his soul also. So much so that his sour mood offended my face. So he got my “look dude, work while you complain and by the way stop being negative” talk. THANK YOU TO MY JESUS LORD WHO FIXES MY LIFE DAILY that my children were at their grandparents. I shudder to think of the metaphors that would have ensued from his mouth and spirit if children who do annoying things would have been around while we packed and moved and packed and then made lots and lots of decisions. I digress. So we are living with my in-laws in their basement. (that sounds really bad except that I’m pretty sure their basement is nicer than my entire home so #blessed) We are in a smaller space and have strictly FORBIDDEN our children from behaving as if they have revolving door access to their grandparents. I adore my in-laws and would like to keep it that way. So nutshell--condensed space, husband recovering from a soul-damaging experience, full-time life that doesn’t care you are moving, extracurricular activities (no details needed there), being an owner of too much stuff that requires you to be a decision-maker more than you care to be--equals the need for things to be #convenientplease. As usual, I use my technology to make my life easier if and when I can. Below are a list of things I do that are basically tech life hacks and :

  • Take pictures of sticky notes to get rid of desk mess, favorite them or create a folder in pictures on your phone for them, then throw them away
  • Take video or pic notes and add to a Google Keep note
  • Create a personal YouTube channel with a personal Gmail to upload your videos, set to private and delete them off your phone
  • Image search in Google and Pinterest - drop an image in the search bar to search by image
  • Ctrl f in a long document to do a keyword/phrase search
  • Use your phone camera in selfie mode as a mirror in case you need to pick your teeth in a pinch
  • Run the sticky part of a sticky note in between keys on a keyboard for a quick-clean
  • Putting your cell phone in an EMPTY DRY cup or bowl while playing music can give more volume
  • Use an old phone as an iPod for music and movies. That way you don’t clutter up your current phone
  • Leave the “To:” field in an email blank until you have proofed and are ready to send an important email. I do this for EVERY tech tip.
  • Put an emoji or number sign (or any character that is not a letter) in front of the name of a folder or a doc in a folder that you use all of the time. Then sort your folder list alphabetically so that this stays at the top. Brandy, Tiff and I do that  for a few of our folders that we are in and out of a lot.
  • Use Alexa to find your phone in the house
  • Test your remote control batteries by aiming the remote at the lens of your iPhone camera. If you see a dim light you have low batteries. The lens registers that light better than the human eye.

Got a tech life hack? I would LOVE to hear it!

School Tip:
Book Creator for Chrome is an excellent tool for any classroom. You can create books or students can create their own books digitally then export and share as a epub (all ebooks professional and no are in epub format). Account and book creation are very user friendly, and the end product is very engaging. Need help? Reach out!

P.s.  As a small PSA------while you are creating your ebooks in Book Creator with your students on your chromebooks, remember that the flu season is upon us. Kids + vomit = disaster for chromebooks. Sanitize hands with water and soap because anti-bac doesn't cut it, then sanitize your chromebooks with damp not soaking cloths.

 Stay healthy friends!

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